Planning Application on the Donkey Field – 21/01776/FUL. Proposed construction of 9 dwellings with associated access, car parking, landscaping and highway works. Land to the rear of Solent View Road, with access off Seagrove Manor Road.

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As had been widely anticipated Eton’s agents have withdrawn their application to build 9 houses on the Donkey Field. The threat of an appeal on the Farmers Field or a further application on either site, especially using a different site access route, of course remains.

A consequence of the withdrawal of the Donkey Field application is that, unlike the application on the Farmers Field which was refused, no thoughts or comments by the Local Planning Authority (LPA) will be on record. In anticipation of a withdrawal we made Freedom of Information requests to the Isle of Wight Council which have disclosed the LPA’s views on the application as it stood. They are contained in e-mails to Eton’s agents from the LPA dated 4 and 23 November 2021 and can be summarised as follows:-

  •  Fundamental concerns relating to highways 
  •  Fundamental concerns relating to ecology matters
  •  Concerns over the design of the development
  •  The 9 proposed units do not appear to coherently relate to each other by combining large scale houses with bungalows
  • Concerns over the mass of the development which appears visually to be an overdevelopment of the site
  • Concerns about Public Rights of Way
  • Concerns about the impact of the proposed access route on the adjacent significant trees

The LPA informed Eton’s agents by e-mails on the dates above of their intention to recommend refusal of the application.


Our objection on the grounds of Privacy and Overlooking can be seen here

Our objection on the grounds of Highways and Transport can be seen here

Our objection on general planning grounds can be seen here

The Objection by Island Roads can be seen here and the Objection by the Rights of Way Officer can be seen here.

On 5th and 15th October we sent Newsletters to Supporters giving them details of the grounds on which to Object to the application. The 5th October Newsletter can be seen here and the 15th October Newsletter here.

*** Please bear in mind that this application is NOT the same as the application on the Farmers’ Field and needs to be commented on separately not relying on any comments you may have made on the Farmers’ Field application but reiterating the same points again *** have asked the Council that the applications on the Farmer’s Field and Donkey Field be considered together given their interdependence but unless and until that happens separate comments on both applications are required.

The following was sent to our Registered Supporters on 28 September 2021. The documents comprising the initial application are as set out further below and these will be added to as comments are made etc.

Dear Supporter,

A Planning Application has been submitted! For the construction of nine dwellings on the Donkey Field with access via Seagrove Manor Road and Seagrove Farm Road through the Farmers Field

Reference 21/01776/FUL.

The application and supporting documents can be viewed by clicking this link or are set out below.

Comments on the application to the Isle of Wight Council have to be received by 22 October 2021. We ask Supporters to visit the application and to start considering their views. We will, shortly, be sending out a further communication drawing attention to the material considerations which we believe are relevant to this application.

We understand there will be a meeting of the Parish Council on 18 October at which this application will be considered which you might care to attend and to which written comments can be made in advance, again we will be issuing further advice in this regard.

If you commented on the Farmer’s Field Application and think this current application is just ‘more of the same’ because both applications propose to share an access route via Seagrove Manor Road please think again. It is essential that comments are made in respect of the application on the Donkey Field on a stand alone basis.

Planning Application Documents

Advert 27 August

Application Form

Planning Statement

Design and Access Statement

Existing Site Plan

Site Plan Location

Proposed Site Plan

Transport Statement

Roads Plan 1, Plan 2, Plan 3, Plan 4, Plan 5

Block Plan

Tree Report

Arborist Report

Drainage Report

Plots 1 & 2 Design

Plot 3 Design

Plot 4 Design

Plots 5 & 6 Design

Plot 7 Design

Plot 8 Design

Plot 9 Design

Plots 8 & 9 Garages